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How Bamboo Saves Our Planet?

Along with industrialisation and urbanisation of the society is the devastation of our environment. Everyone knows that we are already depleting our natural resources because of our selfish and wasteful ways. Today, we are in the quest of finding solutions to save our planet and to create positive changes in our living habits.

Environmental advocates are now encouraging people to use materials that are friendly to the people, society, and environment such as products made out of bamboos. They have been used for almost everything from food to beautiful furniture, and bridges. Wondering how this unusual species of grass can help save our planet? Here are the reasons why.

Absorb Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse gases trap and hold heat in the atmosphere. They are responsible for the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ which ultimately lead to global warming and climate change. To lessen this environmental issue, we need to have a vast number of trees and bamboos to absorb these gases.

Protect the Soil

When trees are cut, and the stumps are burned to provide fertilizer and space for growing crops, erosion will eventually occur. As results, topsoil and nutrients are eroded. Eroded soils will then affect streams and rivers as well as the lives of the animals and people downstream. As for bamboos, their roots remain in place after they are harvested which prevents erosion and retains soil nutrients.

Renewable Resource

Trees are of great help against global warming, soil erosion, and floods. However, their number had decreased. Each week, almost 1 million acres of forest are lost worldwide due to deforestation. Unfortunately, we still need at least forty years to bring these trees back. The good thing about bamboos is that they are a highly renewable resource. Unlike hardwood trees, they grow very fast in just 3 to 5 years. Their versatility offers the chance to reduce the figure of lost trees and protect the forest we have left.


Environmental advocates admire bamboos due to their versatility. They can replace the use of wood for nearly every application. Every part of this plant is used to make different types of products, from soil-enriching mulch, to chopsticks, and to premium bamboo flooring.

Protects the Environment from Harmful Chemicals

Agricultural chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides can deplete the nutrients in the soil. These compounds are used for most crops to thrive. As for bamboos, they don’t need any of these to survive.

Improves Economic Stability

Bamboos have a wide variety of benefits which are used in different industries. For instance, in China where they are highly abundant, most of their people are employed by bamboo manufacturing firms. While in Perth, bamboos are used as flooring, furniture, and other DIY projects and construction materials. The increasing popularity of bamboos helps a lot in providing job opportunities to people and improving economic stability.

So can bamboo save our planet? The answer to this question is yet to be seen. But one thing is for sure; bamboos offer people with products that allow them to enjoy the comfort of contemporary lifestyle without causing irreparable damages to our natural environment.

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